Scripture Hall



The Great Scripture Hall


Starting in the 1980s monastic activities were gradually re-established. In 1991, the rebuilding of the Great Scripture Hall began and was completed in 1994. The opening ceremony was held on September 10th and Konthang Rinpoche was invited as an honorary guest. In 2004, Harwa Rinpoche re-renovated it again. 

Tantric Scriptural Hall


The traditional tantric ceremonies, festivals and activities were gradually redeveloped with the efforts of Harwa Rinpoche and the monks. In 1995, the monastery laid the foundation of the Tantric Scripture Hall and it was completed in 1997.   In 2006, Harwa Rinpoche re-renovated it again.

During the Cultural Revolution the monastery, its halls and temples were all destroyed. The temple's foundations and timber was used for the local communes storage. The rebuilding of the Small Scripture Hall with its 56 pillars was completed in 1982.